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It seemed as if he was always in trouble with his lady's mother. He had chewed up some things (walls, furniture, her car). His lady and Joy managed to fix most of them before the grandma saw them. The lady sprayed everything with a nasty spray and gave him bones to chew instead.

The major problem though was his on-going feud with Scotch. Scotch refused to stay out of his space. Cheng Kee was not allowed upstairs, but Scotch was allowed downstairs. He would wait until the grandma was there and then he would come down. If his lady had grabbed him, he was forced to watch as Scotch ate his food, drank his water and touched his toys. He practiced the truly impressive "Shiba scream". When the lady was not holding him Cheng Kee would pin Scotch down. He would never have hurt him. When the grandma wasn't downstairs Cheng Kee and Scotch usually resolved their differences very quickly and sometimes even ended up sleeping together. But when the grandma was there it was always Cheng Kee's fault.

There were still problems with his wings. He still slipped past the lady whenever he could and flew away. There were a lot of times she had to chase him all over the neighborhood by foot or with her car. She was a very heavy lady so he sometimes felt bad that he made her walk so far. Sometimes he got caught when he stopped and talked to another dog, and sometimes he just came back.

He and the lady took a wonderful trip to a ranch in the Black Hills. She had a long line so he could do just about everything that her brother'' dogs, Homer and Noel, did. He wrestled Homer all over the place. When Homer and Noel left to go swimming the lady let him follow them. To her, and Cheng Kee's own, astonishment, he followed them right into the pond.


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