Shiba Weaving  ShibaSports 


The Shiba Inu was originally used in Japan to hunt game. Explorer's Eiko was born August 20, 1999. He has been training to hunt with his owner Jouko Ahtianien, and Eiko will begin hunting duck in August.

The photos shown on the left hand side are from Eiko's first hunting experience. The event took place on September 10, 2000, and the hunting area is in Kuivaniemi, around 70 km north of Uleoborg, Finland. The top photo is where Eiko is actually killing the bird, a cock-capercaillie, since the shot was not really perfect. The bottom photo is of Eiko and the hunter/owner Jouko Ahtianien after the kill.

ShibaSports would like to thank Eiko's breeder, Birgit Hillerby, for providing us with the photos.