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Flyball started in the 70's in California. By the 80's, it had grown so much that the North American Flyball Association was formed to standardize the rules and keep records. Interest continues to grow and is now enjoyed throughout North America, Europe, Australia, and other countries. Flyball is a relay race over 4 jumps which are place 10 feet apart and a flyball box placed 15 feet beyond the 4th jump. Each team consists of 4 dogs and up to 2 alternates. Each dog must run in relay fashion down the jumps, trigger the release on the box, retrieve the ball and return over all 4 jumps. The first team to have all 4 dogs finish the course without error wins the heat. Races are set up by divisions, which are determined by the times that teams submit. Not only are you racing for wins, but you are also racing for points towards your flyball titles. All four dogs on the team earn the same points per heat. For times under 32 seconds, each dog that ran will receive 1 point, under 28 seconds is 5 points and under 24 seconds are worth 25 points. Titles are awarded as follows:
Flyball Dog - FD - 25 points
Flyball Dog Excellence FDX - 100 points
Flyball Dog Champion - FDCH - 500 points
Flyball Master - FM - 5,000 points
Flyball Master Excellent - FMX - 10,000
Flyball Master Champion - FMCH - 15,000 ONYX Award - 20,000 Flyball Grand Champion - FGDCH - 30,000
Contributed by Linda White
For more information visit the following pages:
North American Flyball Association